Rats and mice are one of the most common pests found in households. Whether it is your garden, backyard, garage, or kitchen, rodents can be quite harmful to live around. Rodents usually cause a lot of property damage to your furniture, electrical wires, doors, etc. rats and mice have strong teeth that can chew almost anything. These pests also carry extremely harmful bacteria and viruses like the bubonic plague, which can harm humans. Living with rats and mice can increase the possibility of getting infected with deadly diseases. 

Hence it would be best if you removed any rodents around your house. However, controlling rats and mice in your garden might be calling because of the large area and exposure. In such a situation, you must contact a rodent control Centralia service immediately. 

How to control rodents in your garden?

  1. Cover your bird feed and compost 

The two most common elements in a garden or backyard are bird feed and compost; while both are essential for the life around you, they are also potential attractions for mice and other rodents.

Rodents can easily survive in an area where food is accessible, and this is why you need to be cautious that the birds’ feed and compost you keep in the garden do not become the feeding spot for rodents. Besides, the best place to keep your compost and bird feed is your backyard. Just ensure you cover them adequately and are out of reach of rodents. 

Tyr places the bird at a height without any support through which rodents can climb. Remember that rats and mice have excellent grip and can rise to heights with extended support. As for your compost, try keeping it in a dry and enclosed escape, making it difficult for rats or mice to reach. 

  1.  Try to get rid of nesting areas or hiding areas for rodents. 

Every garden has at least one spot, a potential hiding or nesting area for rodents. Whether tall grass, wooden piles, or small gaps anywhere, these small and secluded areas are best for rats and mice to hide and breed. 

Most rodents need protective shelter for breeding and living. So make sure to element any such spot in your backyard so rats and mice cannot come and live there. For example, reduce the grass in your garden and maintain a short length, fill up all the small tiny gaps or holes in your deck and avoid keeping wood piles out in the open. Such aspects are an open invitation for rats and mice to hide.